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Mahwah High School

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District Assessment Schedule

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Assessments provide valuable information about a student’s progress throughout his or her educational journey. In Mahwah, we use the results of a variety of assessments – classroom assessments, commercially-developed assessments, and state-mandated assessments – to help us understand both our students’ strengths and areas for growth so that we may better target instruction and refine our programs.

Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7C-6.6, school districts and charter schools must, by October 1 of each year, provide parents or guardians certain information on any State assessment or commercially developed standardized assessment that will be administered in that school year.

Please follow the link below to access a list of the standardized assessments that we administer in our district. Please note that this is a complete list; not all students take all assessments.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or your building principal. As always, we are grateful for your partnership in your child’s education.


Michael DeTuro, Ed.D.                                              Linda A. Bovino-Romeo, Ph.D.

Superintendent of Schools                                        Director of Curriculum and Instruction