Athletic Co-curricular Attendance & Participation Requirements
It is required that participants in co-curricular and athletic activities adhere to a minimum of four (4) hours of instructional time in order to be eligible for participation in a particular activity that day. This would mean that students who arrive after 8:35 a.m. or leave before 1:18 p.m. will not be permitted to participate that day. Lunch is NOT counted as instructional time. It should be noted, however, that extenuating circumstances, specifically pre-scheduled driver’s license tests at NJ Department of Motor Vehicles, required court appearances, and religious observances could allow for administrative exemption from the rule with prior administrative approval from the Athletic Director.
Medical notes and chronic illness notes do not exempt you from the four (4) hour instructional requirements. An advisor or coach may exclude a student from participating in an activity if the student fails to adhere to the requirements for participation.
- Students who participate in sports are required to participate in physical education during the sports season of which they are involved, with the exception of students enrolled in Option 2 PE.
- If a student is truant from school on a Friday or last day prior to a holiday, he or she cannot practice or compete until a day of school has been completed by that student.
- Students who are failing or are in danger of failing any subjects are expected to avail themselves of extra help between 2:17 p.m. and 2:50 p.m. If they continue to fail, they will have their activity program reviewed to determine if the activity is a factor in the student’s academic performance.