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Mahwah High School

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Pomptonian Food Services is the food service company that provides lunch to our schools.  Click on the link at the right to access all school lunch menus

PaySchoolsCentral is our automated payment system that is used for our students to pay for their lunch.   Click on the link at the right to access the PaySchoolsCentral website.

Nutritionally Sound Menus

Pomptonian is focused on offering a high quality and nutritious lunch service to the communities we serve.  We continuously seek new services and menu items to keep the program fresh and innovative.

Balanced Nutritious Meals:

The menus are designed to provide lunches that are consistent with the recommendations of the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans including; eat a variety of foods; choose a diet with plenty of whole grain products, vegetables and fruits; choose a diet moderate in sugars and salt; and choose a diet with 10% of calories or less from saturated fat.

Fresh Meals:

All meals are prepared in your district and served by our dedicated staff.  Each complete meal includes protein, bread/grains, garden fresh vegetables, farm fresh fruit, and a hormone-free, low-fat milk selection.

Appealing Variety:

The cafeterias feature a wide variety of hot menu selections each day.  This variety includes popular favorites available every day.  The cafeteria also presents changing daily specials and an emphasis on healthy entrées in an attractive and appealing style.

Farm Fresh Salads:

A “Farm Stand” is available each day.  The Farm Stand features a variety of fruits and fresh garden vegetables including, dark green and orange vegetables.  Locally grown, Jersey Fresh produce is featured, in season.  Salad meals includes all the items that are part of a balanced meal.

Deli Selections:

Deli Selections are offered each day on a variety of whole grain breads, rolls, and pitas.  Students may select from a wide array of freshly sliced cold cuts, natural cheeses, and freshly made salads.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables:

Each day a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables are offered as an accompaniment to the entrée selection.  Students enjoy taking a “Trip to The Farm Stand” to complete their meal with their selection of fresh fruits and vegetables.  Students enjoy dipping crudité in low-fat dressing.  A variety of fresh whole fruit selections are always available.

Naturally Delicious Milk:

Each meal includes an 8 oz. low-fat, hormone-free milk selection.  The flavored milk does not contain high fructose corn syrup.

Healthier Snack Options:

All snacks offered are in compliance with the District’s Wellness Policy and limit total fat to 8 grams or less and 2 grams or lower of saturated fat.  Water, pure fruit juice and low-fat, hormone-free milk is always available. Students choose from a selection of baked snacks, 100% pure fruit juice slushies, yogurt, veggie sticks with dip, fresh fruit, and more.

Professional Staff:

Pomptonian’s trained staff arrives each morning to freshly prepare the day’s meals.  The production of the meals and service is overseen by ServSafe certified management to ensure that foods are prepared and served at the optimum serving temperatures to produce a fresh, hot, and delicious meal.

Popular Promotions:

Popular promotional events help to keep the cafeteria an interesting place to dine.  The students enjoy demonstration cooking with the homemade pasta machine, the ever popular picnic fare on BBQ Grill Days, and Sushi and Hot Dog Cart Days.

It is our goal to offer a program that meets not only the likes of students, but also provides sound nutrition.  We appreciate and seek the valued input of parents, students and administrators.