Option Two Programs
Option Two Programs and Guidelines
Option Two extends flexibility at the local level by allowing schools to choose from an array of models for developing activities or programs linked to the NJ Student Learning Standards such as interdisciplinary programs, independent study, co-curricular activities, student exchange programs, online learning opportunities, externships, community service, or other learning experiences for elective credit.
Applications must be submitted four weeks before each semester. Therefore, students must complete and submit an application by August 1st for the fall semester and by January 1st for the spring semester. In order to be awarded credit, prior administrative approval by the department supervisor, director of guidance, and principal must be obtained before enrolling in any Option Two Program.
Applicants must demonstrate with documentation that the program meets or exceeds each of the NJ Student Learning Standards for that area. Option Two programs are usually for elective credit experiences and not to be used to replace NJ Department of Education required core courses for graduation.
Option Two Programs
Overview of Option Two Programs
Guidelines which govern Option Two Programs.
Contact Information for Option Two Programs
Letter from Principal outlining Option Two Programs available for students to participate in during the school year.
Bergen Community College: 5 Ways to Earn College Credit in HS
Bergen Community College offers opportunities to earn both high school and college credit for students who are over 16 years old.
Bergen County Technical School Adult and Continuing Education Part Time Evening Program
Bergen County Adult School in Hackensack offers courses that include Carpentry, Collision Repair, Computer Training, CNC/Cisco Networking, Makerspace, Electrical Technology, Firemen-Stationary Engineering, Water & Wastewater Operations, Health & Child Care Training, Home Inspection Program, HVAC/Energy Technology, Plumbing, and Welding. High School students 16 years or older may enroll in Adult Education classes if they secure written permission from a parent or guardian and high school guidance counselor prior to registration.
College Courses (on campus) Application
Option Two application to earn elective credits by enrolling courses at a local college or university. Prior approval required.
Community Service (outside of school) Application
Option Two application to earn elective credits for performing community service outside of the school day. Prior approval required.
Dance (Off-campus) Application
Option Two application to earn performing arts elective credits for off-campus dance. Prior approval required. Instructor must have proper credentials.
Online Internet Elective Course Application
Option Two application to earn elective credits for online course work for courses NOT offered at Mahwah High School. Prior approval required.
Physical Education (Athletic Participation) Information
Application for Option Two PE - Athletic Participation is completed, electronically, when you register online for a sport each season through the Athletic Office when registering for a sport.
Ramapo Ridge Algebra 1 & Geometry Letter
Option Two application to earn elective credits for Algebra 1 and Geometry courses completed at Ramapo Ridge Middle School. Courses taken at other institutions not eligible for credit.
Ramapo Ridge Spanish 1, French 1, Mandarin Chinese 1 Letter
Option Two application to earn elective credits for Spanish 1, French 1, and Mandarin Chinese 1 courses completed at Ramapo Ridge Middle School. Courses taken at other institutions not eligible for credit..
Summer Enrichment Courses for Advancement Application
Enrichment courses for students who wish to accelerate course sequence. Applications require supervisor and Principal approval.
World Language Native Proficiency Assessment Application
Application for Option Two Program by which native speakers may earn credit through assessment proficiency
Other Elective Areas Application
Option Two application to earn elective credits outside of the school day. Prior approval required.