Health Services
Medications grades K-12:
Any medication that is to be given in school, whether OTC (over the counter) or prescription, requires the authorization of a physician and the parent/guardian. Please note that the school nurse is not permitted to dispense medication to your child unless you have the proper form on file in your child's health office. Additionally, medication forms MUST be renewed each school year. Please review Mahwah Board Of Education Policy# 5330 regarding the administration of medication while in school. Printable forms are found on the Health Services Forms page.
Form 1M: Daily and PRN (when necessary) medications (i.e.. Tylenol, Advil, Mylanta)
Form 2M: Asthma medications - RAD/Asthma Action Plan (double sided)
Form 3M: Severe allergic reaction - Epinephrine
Health Forms for Admission to Schools:
Requirements of the New Jersey Department of Education and the Mahwah Board of Education mandate that the forms outlined below must be completed in order for your child to enter Mahwah Township Schools.
Form 2H: Health History form to be completed by a parent or guardian Grade Pre-K-5 only
Form 3H: Health History form to be completed by a parent or guardian Grades 6-12 only
Form 4H: Sport/physical form to be completed by physician (this form is used whether or not your child tries out for a sport.)
Additionally, effective September 2016 students entering grade 6 must provide documentation of having received the following vaccines:
- Tdap Vaccine (Boostrix, Adacel) - N.J.A.C.8:57-4.10 requires children born after January 1, 1997 and enrolled in a New Jersey school from another state or country to receive one dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphetheria, acellular, pertussis) given no earlier than their 10th birthday.
- Meningococcal Vaccine (Menactra, Mennomune) - N.J.A.C.8:57-4.20 requires children born after January 1, 1997 and enrolled in grade 6 or transferring into a New Jersey school from another state or country to receive on dose of meningococcal (meningitis) vaccine.
Sport Participation Requirements: Athletic Registration found under Links
The Mahwah High School Athletic Department is excited to announce that we are now offering the convenience of online registration for all sports through *RSchool Today
IMPORTANT NOTE: There are 2 separate processes involved with being cleared to participate in a sport:
1. Athletic Registration
2. Physical Examination Completion
While the registration process is now 100% paperless, the Physical Exam form (including the Health History questionnaire) still needs to be either hand-delivered to our school nurse, Mrs. Mary Beth Kakolewski, or emailed, or uploaded into the online registration.
A student athlete is not cleared to participate until you receive an email confirmation stating that all registration forms have been successfully completed online AND the physical exam date has been validated.
Footnote: *RSchool Today is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for our athletic programs, and helps us to be more administratively and environmentally responsible. When you register, the system keeps track of your family profile so you enter information only once for multiple student-athletes and multiple sports teams.
Mary Beth Kakolewski, RN, CSN
Certified School Nurse-Teacher
Health Office FAX: 201-529-8038
Eileen Greer
Adminsitrative Assistant
201-762-2300 EXT 5420
District Recommended Pediculosis (head lice) Procedure
Policy 5330 Medication
Eye Injury Fact Sheet