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Mahwah High School

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Parent Academy Offerings


Mahwah Public Schools is excited to continue to engage and connect with the community by providing the Mahwah Parent Academy (MPA) offerings for the 2021-2022 school year.  Topics will range from curricular workshops, providing parents with an understanding of the academic programs in our schools to student wellness and safety workshops. 

We are honored to partner with the Mahwah Municipal Alliance to bring such valuable programs to our Mahwah parent community.

The purpose of the Mahwah Parent Academy is to provide our community with tools, resources, and education to support our students as they navigate the challenges that they face today both academically and socially.  

2021-2022 Offerings:

1. Save Your Breath - September 14, 2021 - Webinar Recording: Vaping Webinar (register to view the recording)

2. Supporting Children During a Pandemic - October 14, 2021 - Webinar Recording: Trauma Informed Supports