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Mahwah High School

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One Call Now Notification System

The Board of Education subscribes to One Call Now, an automated notification system that allows the district to make telephone calls, send e-mails, or texts to families regarding essential school news. This system is used as the primary avenue of providing information and keeping parents/guardians in the loop. Every high school family will be enrolled into this system automatically.

You can update your telephone number and email address in our notification messaging system by clicking on the link below: 

Action Requested: Please opt-in to receive text messages from OneCallNow 

Only you can activate the texting feature in OneCallNow in the event I need to text you information that is time sensitive. We will only use this for important high school messages or to direct you to specific posted items. Texting is only in one direction from the school to you in OneCallNow. Email however, remains our primary means of communication. I will send you a call from OneCallNow to request that you opt-in or you can opt-in now by using your cell phone to:  Text the word ALERT to 22300.   

Note: Wireless service providers require your Group members to manually opt-in to agree to receive text messages from the One Call Now text messaging service. 

E-mail Blast Communications

I communicate all school information to parents via electronic mail on Wednesday afternoon. I create an address book from the e-mail addresses that you provide when you update your contact information in Realtime. These e-mail message blasts will come from One Call Now. These messages are generated for your information only; please do not reply to messages from this sender, as they are not directed back to me. If you would like to correspond with me, please contact me at .

Occasionally, we are asked to send information via electronic mail to families about community events. In order for you to distinguish between school information and township information, these e-mails will have a subject line called “Community Events” and will be sent to you via e-mail on a Friday afternoon from the Superintendent of Schools, Michael DeTuro, Ed.D.

If you are not receiving electronic mail from Mahwah High School, please contact Pamela Gervasi at . Please provide your child's name, grade level, and a parental e-mail address. If you have more than one student in our school, please indicate that information in your e-mail because the address books are created by grade levels (i.e., grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, and grade 12). If at any time you change your provider or change your e-mail address, kindly update the contact information in the Realtime Parent Portal so that our records are updated.

Realtime Portal

The Realtime Portal provides you access to school data such as emergency contact information, homework assignments, academic data, course pages, teacher contact info, attendance, standardized testing results, correspondence, documents, outstanding fines, etc. Each parent has their own portal access code. Each student has their own portal access codes. Do not share your code, as parents have greater access than students do in the system.


This program is used by the guidance department to communicate all guidance information. Each student and parent has an account in which information is sent to you via the e-mail address you registered in the system when you initially signed into the program. Questions regarding Naviance should be directed to the guidance department or Dominick Gliatta, Director of Guidance, at

High School Web Page 

High school information is posted and updated regularly on our school webpage. Please refer to it frequently for all information related to all facets (academic information, athletic and co-curricular activities, guidance services, college admissions information, calendar of events, parent and student resources, and booster club) of our high school program. As we add news to Headlines and Features you will receive notifications from Finalsite website. Questions regarding website should be directed to our site webmaster- John P. Pascale, Principal, at 

Connect with us on social media @MahwahHS

We communicate and showcase “Thunderbird Happenings” at Mahwah High School with the community using social media. Twitter is a free social networking site that enables its users to send and read messages known as “tweets.”  Tweets are text-based posts, 140 characters or less in length, displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. Followers may choose to read tweets on the Twitter site itself or have them delivered to their phones and other wireless devices via text message.

Our building and our classrooms are sharing their work with our community through their respective Twitter accounts. While the district uses a variety of social media platforms to communicate with our families, Twitter is a centralized location where a bulk of our in-district happenings are showcased to the outside community.

@MahwahHS is used to disseminate useful information about MHS (i.e. accolades, reminders, dates of school events, etc.) and other valuable resources instantaneously. The best part is, once you have signed up to “Follow” the updates, you will receive these messages instantly to your Twitter page, as well as your cellular telephone (standard text rates apply) if you elect to receive messages on your cellular telephone.

How do I create Twitter account?

Signing up is easy. Go to, create a user profile, and once you are registered perform a search for the school username (Mahwah HS). Then click on my profile and select “Follow.”

Create a Twitter Account

  • Go to the App Store on your phone to download the Twitter application to create an account  or

  • Go to and find the sign-up box or go directly to

  • Enter your full name, email address, and a password.

  • Click Sign up for Twitter.

  • On the next page, you can select a username (usernames are unique identifiers on Twitter) — type your own or choose one of the suggested. Twitter will tell you if the username you want is available.

  • Double-check your name, email address, password, and username.

  • Click “Create My Account.”  You may be asked to complete a Captcha (security code) to let us know that you're human.

  • Twitter will send a confirmation email to the email address you entered. Click the link in that email to confirm your email address and account.

How do I follow Mahwah High School?

Type our school name or Twitter handle into the search box at the top of your Twitter Home timeline. Our direct Twitter handle is: @MahwahHS

I do not want to create a Twitter account, but would like to review tweets related to our school district.  How can I do this?

If you do not wish to sign up for a Twitter account you can still view the profile and any updates by going to the site listed above by either book marking it or adding it to your favorite places list. Tweets can also be viewed at the bottom of the high school homepage at

In addition, the high school has the following social media accounts:

How do I follow Mahwah High School on Instagram? 

How do I “like” the Mahwah High School Facebook account?

How do I follow the Mahwah High School LinkedIn account

Student E-mail Addresses

All students in grades 9-12 have a Mahwah Township Public School assigned e-mail address, much like colleges and universities provide students with a specific college email address. A student’s email address will remain the same for a student’s entire enrollment in the Mahwah Township Public Schools. 

How do I access student e-mail?

Your email address can be found by going to the hamburger icon (menu) on the top right of the student portal. Select "My Information" A dialog box will open with your district email and student ID information.

To access email go to Mahwah High School web page. Click on  “Popular Links” (right side). Select “Student Only Links”  Select “Select Student Email Access”

Use your district login code to log into Office 365.   Access email from outlook envelope tile. School email will be used with your Naviance account. Check your school email box daily.  Student District E-mail Address Format:

YearofGraduation Firstthreeletterslastname firstinitial


Teachers, advisors, coaches, and the administrative team will communicate pertinent information directed to students, regarding school matters, using students’ school email.  Students and staff are required to use their school email address when corresponding with one another. 

Where do students access and create e-mail?

  • Go to Mahwah High School web page

  • Click on  “Popular Links” (right side drop down window)

  • Click on  “Student Only Links”

  • Select “Select Student Email Access”

Office 365

Finally, access to Office 365 allows each Mahwah Township Public School student to work online in the cloud and to also download Microsoft 2013 to a maximum of five personal devices of their choice at home.