Student Life
1:1 Laptop Resources
Technical Support
Support available for student laptops . Click on title for more>>>
School laptop personalization
Stickers should not be placed on a school laptop. Click on title for more>>>
Educational Vision and Goals
District vision and goals for 1:1 initiative. Click on title for more>>>
ISTE Standards for Students
International Society For Technology in Education Standards. Click on title for more>>>
Laptop Distribution Information
August distribution of student computers. Click on title for more>>>
1:1 Instructional Technology Guidelines
Student guidelines for 1:1 participation. Click on title for more>>>
1:1 Online Expectations for Students
Expectation for online student learner behavior. Click on title for more>>>
Frequently Asked Questions. Click on title for more>>>
Liability and Replacement Costs
Liability and Replacement costs. Click on title for more>>>
Thunderbird Digital Resources
Getting Started with your Laptop
Tips on how to use your district issued laptop.
Technology Tips for Students/Parents
Mahwah Township Public School District Resources for students and parents.