TEEEM connects students with a high-need region around the world AND a charity that is currently working in that region to address humanitarian issues. By collaborating with TEEEM, students have the opportunity to speak with and learn from the leaders of these charities, hear from them exactly what the needs are in these regions, and design fundraising and "empathy" projects that will directly address problems and foster global connections. TEEEM emphasizes the importance of these “empathy projects” – which are projects that foster connection between TEEEM students and students in the target regions around the world. Examples of empathy projects that have been done in other schools include video-conferencing with high school students in Ukraine and creating a “Shark Tank”-style activity with students in Uganda to design products that could help solve a humanitarian issue in their local area. Engaging in these empathy projects will deepen our understanding of why our activism and our fundraising efforts are so important.
All students in grades 9-12
Meeting Time:
Meeting Place:
Room 231