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Mahwah High School

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Student Government Association (SGA)


Student Government Executive Board



The Student Government Association is here to serve the students of Mahwah High School through the communication between students and the community providing educational and social events, and offering services that contribute to the advancement of the high school and its students.

The SGA consists of student leaders and their faculty advisers in five governing bodies:

Class Advisers

Class Advisers
consists of all six faculty advisers, three Senior class advisers, one adviser from the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshmen classes, and the Executive adviser. Class Advisers meet once a month during unit lunch in Room 111.

SGA Executive Board

SGA Executive Board consists of five student-leaders from either the Senior or Junior class. SGA Executive board represents the student-body and oversees all councils. SGA Executive Board meets every Period 8 in the SGA Office for the duration of the school year.

Officers Council

Officers Council
consists of all twenty class officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Historian). Officers Council meets once a month as announced at 2:20 in Room 111.

Government Representatives

Government Representatives
 consists of a student representatives elected by each Period 1 class. Government Representatives meet once a month at 10:40 during Unit Lunch in the Auditorium.

Activities Council

Activities Council consists of one student leader selected from each co-curricular activity. Activities Council meets once every other month as announced at 2:20 in Room 224


Ms. Taryn Browne



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  • Thunderbird Television Channel
  • Parliamentary Procedure, Robert